Low Income Seniors Annual Transit Pass


Depending on your income, you may be eligible for a Low Income Seniors Annual Transit Pass. It’s valid for one year, expiring at the end of your eligibility period.

Pricing is listed on our fares page.

How to apply through Fair Entry

In order to access or renew to the Low Income Seniors Annual Transit Pass, applicants must be approved by Fair Entry. As part of your application, you will need to prove your income. For application information please visit Fair Entry.

If you have already completed the renewal process, you can purchase your new Low Income Seniors Annual Transit Pass in person, if you’d like, or:

  • Online: calgarytransit.com/shop
  • Mail your cheque payment to:
    • Calgary Transit Tickets and Passes
      Mail Code BP166
      PO Box 2100 Stn M
      Calgary AB T2P 2M5

If you have already been accepted in the Fair Entry program, find out where you can buy your pass.

The pass cannot be used for Calgary Transit Access services.  You may be eligible for a Low Income Monthly Pass.  For more information on how to apply, visit Fair Entry. Download the Fair Entry application form.