Bikes on Transit

Embrace a greener commute

Cycling to your community CTrain station or bus station is not only a great way to keep healthy but is also good for the environment.

Bikes on CTrain

  • Most CTrain stations have bike racks that you can secure your bike to.
  • Bikes are allowed on CTrains at all times – check out the rules for bringing your bike on a CTrain here.
  • Folding bikes are allowed on CTrains and must be in the folded position and placed in a suitable bag or case at all times.


Bikes on buses

All buses have bike racks, except for our community shuttle buses. This is a positive step toward encouraging Calgarians to use alternative modes of transportation to single-car use. ‘Bike and ride’ commuting offers environmental benefits, such as reduced pollution and traffic congestion, as well as improves the service offering for cyclists who wish to take advantage of this type of transportation.

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Bike lockers

14 of our stations have bike lockers that you can rent for up to a year (minimum of six months), to keep your bikes secure while riding transit.

Here is how you can rent one:

  1. Complete a bike locker rental application form.
  2. Take the application form to the Customer Service Centre - Bow Parkade with photo ID.
  3. Pay for your locker.

Bike locker rates (non-refundable)

  • Security deposit: $30 (refunded on return of key)
  • Six months: $72 (additional months available at $12 per month)
  • One year: $132 ($12 per month with one free month)


Bike lockers at Brentwood LRT Station