Submit a request online

Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your experience on transit.
Please select the heading that best describes your feedback. Click the link within a heading to submit a request online.
Advertising / Communications
Use this Service Request to provide feedback on an advertisement seen on our property or vehicles. Also, to report anything related to our communication regarding Service Changes through the various mediums, i.e. website, next CTrain signs, etc.
Send an Advertising/Communications Service Request
Bikes on Transit
Use this Service Request for anything bike related such as:
- Bikes on CTrain Pilot Project
- renting bike lockers
- feedback on bike racks
- bikes stolen or vandalized
Send a Bikes on Transit Service Request
Bus or CTrain Vehicle Maintenance
Use this Service Request to provide feedback on an advertisement seen on our property or vehicles. Also, to report anything related to our communication regarding Service Changes through the various mediums, i.e. website, next CTrain signs, etc.
Send an Bus or CTrain Vehicle Maintenance Service Request
Bus Route or Bus Schedules
Use this Service Request to request or provide feedback on a new route or schedule change, or to report a bus that is late, early, or did not arrive.
Send a Bus Route or Bus Schedules Service Request
Bus Stops
Use this Service Request for anything related to benches, poles, shelters, or garbage bins at a bus stop.
Send a Bus Stop Service Request
Use this Service Request to report concerns regarding the schedule of a CTrain or to request a schedule change.
Send a CTrain Service Request
Use this Service Request to report the cleanliness of a CTrain station, station fixtures and equipment concerns, CTrain shelters, signage, track maintenance, or anything relating to the Ticket Vending Machines.
Send a CTrain Station Service Request
Employee Conduct
Use this Service Request to tell us how our employees did while driving or interacting with others.
Send an Employee Conduct Service Request
Use this request to inquire about the E-scooter program or to report any concern.
Send an E-Scooter Service Request
Lost Property
Use this Service Request to report lost property.
Park and Ride for LRT or Bus
Use this Service Request for anything pertaining to the Reserved Parking Program, maintenance of a Park and Ride lot, the signage within a Park and Ride Lot, or any report of public mischief in a Park and Ride area.
Send a Park and Ride for LRT or Bus Service Request
Use this Service Request to ask questions or provide comments/feedback on any of our major projects i.e. GreenLine LRT/Setway.
Send a Projects Service Request
Snow and Ice Control
Use this Service Request for Snow and Ice anywhere on Transit Property, i.e. CTrain Stations, bus pads, ramps and stairs.
Transit Pass Programs
Use this Service Request for anything related to Low Income Passes, Seniors Yearly Passes, and UPasses. Also, use this for feedback on fare options.
Send a Transit Pass Programs Service Request
Transit Safety / Public Etiquette
Use this Service Request to report concerns regarding public behaviour, bylaw, and safety concerns.
Send a Transit Safety / Public Etiquette Service Request
Vendor Request
We have over 350 vendors spread throughout Calgary and surrounding regions. Our customers appreciate having options to purchase our tickets and passes in convenient and accessible locations.
If you are interested in becoming a vendor, please complete our request form, and we'll send you a complete information package.