Caution | Transit App | Service Alert Messages

We are aware of an issue with service alerts not appearing on the Transit App. Please use the Service Updates on our website to check for service disruptions in the meantime. We appreciate your patience while we work to get things rolling again!

View Service Updates

Rider Tools

Whether you are waiting for a bus or planning your trip, use these tools to help you stay informed along the way:

Transit - trip planning app

Download Transit, our trip planning app, to plan your trip and track your ride. Transit can help you plan your journey from start to finish, letting you know all your options, and gives you step-by-step directions to make sure you get where you need to go.

Features include:

  • Transit Royale, providing in-app customizations and allowing customers to gamify their transit experience and compare their transit use with friends;
  • real-time, multi-modal trip planning that includes micromobilty (scooter/bike) options;
  • ability to locate and plan trips using Neuron and Bird shared e-scooters/e-bikes;
  • ability to locate and reserve carshare vehicles;
  • crowd-sourced data relating to the customer experience, such as even more accurate arrival times, transit stop accessibility and passenger mask use;
  • machine-learning to improve the customer journey and provide even more precise real-time arrival data;
  • and full access to the app in more than 300 cities worldwide, including Edmonton, Vancouver, Saskatoon, Toronto, and Montreal.



Call 403-974-4000 and have your 4-digit bus stop number ready (located at the bottom of the bus stop sign).

  • Press 1 + the four digit stop number for current bus times.
  • Press 2 + the four digit stop number for future bus times. 
  • Press 3 for general information.

Note: Teleride may not answer your call if you have your caller ID hidden. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



Get current schedule times for a route

Text the stop number, followed by a space and your route number to 74000. You are able to request up to two routes per request (if the bus stop is serviced by multiple routes), just leave a space between the two routes when texting your stop and route numbers.

Get future scheduled times for a route

Text your stop number, followed by #, your route number, @ and the time you want to catch the bus (24 hour format) to 74000.  For example, text the message 5778#20@1300 to 74000.

Teletext is partly sponsored by advertising to offset Calgary Transit's expense in providing you this service at no cost. Our response to your schedule request may include link(s) to a 3rd-party advertisement. Your phone number will NOT be given to advertisers as a result of using this service. Standard message and data rates may apply.


Contact us

Follow us @calgarytransit to get updated service information, promotions and more.

We’re just a call away. Call 403-262-1000 to speak with a call centre representative to help you plan a trip, get service information or to send a commendation about a friendly bus or CTrain Operator.  

Visit our contact page for other ways to you can contact us.